Friday, April 3, 2009

Spring Break...Day 4

Wow...Day 4...does that even seem possible. I guess time really does fly when you keep busy.
We heard that today was going to be cold and rainy so we decided to stay in, have friends over and hang out. Austin had a friend come and they had a blast playing Wii together.

Shawn's friend came over and they played outside for a while (during the nice period) and then took turns doing the bunny ear thing. Must be popular in the 2nd grade.

I was in my office taking care of some things when I looked up and saw...
I am not sure if this is a bad sign of things to come...(yes...that is a lampshade)
She thought it was about the funniest thing to wear as a hat.
And...for all of you who say you never see my house you go...
This is what happens to the basement after a week of nonstop playing. (yes...I am showing off my messy house...just keepin it real folks!)
Aunt Brenda came over and we spent some time painting. The kids have discovered watercolors and they love to paint with them...
Of course my Cricket must buck tradition and use her fingers as well.
My Austin is becoming quite the artist lately. I have been impressed with this drawings and now...his painting as well.
Aunt Brenda also brought in the McDonalds which is probably why she is their favorite Aunt!
Brenda and I were having this discussion about my daughter and how she does not like to wear panties. Brenda usually finds her in that state when she arrives and promptly gets some pants on her. (which is more than I can do lately) Just after I told her that I was afraid that this penchant for nakedness could only lead to a career in stripping...I strolled into the Cricket room and found this...
Yes...those are a bunch of naked barbies suspended from various parts of the dresser hardware...Brenda and I laughed our butts off and then decided that the Cricket will definitely be headed to the convent in a few years! Oh my goodness...if anyone has any insight into this phenomenon...feel free to share it with me... if McDonald's wasn't enough...we had to polish off that yummy chocolate cake from yesterday. I think the Cricket had more on her face than in her tummy.
We have only had one casualty so far this week...remember that cute little Momiji doll I showed you is what she looks like today...
Sniff...this is what hanging out with the Cricket will get ya. Fortunately for me...the new Momiji dolls I ordered arrived today...aren't they just the cutest things...
I know...I know...but they are soooo cute!!
One more day folks...I think I can make it...

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