and it looks like a blast. In our family, in particular, we are always looking for fun activities that promote family togetherness and also allow everyone to participate. So many games that please my very active 6 year old are not really geared toward my wheelchair bound 5 year old.
Unfortunately, I did not win the original contest that also gives the gift of a game to the family of your choice. I did win one for us though and I am very grateful for that. The family that I chose to receive the other one was a family that I don't know personally but met through another on line friend. They recently (like days ago!) lost their 4 1/2 year old son to cancer and they have 3 other young children. I really thought that, as they try to rebuild their lives after this devastating event, this game would give them something not only for fun but to open up the lines of communication. That said...I think that I will still purchase one of these games for them and have it sent down to them as a gift.
And now...the results in the Pinewood Derby race last night were...The car Mega Six, built by the Peanut and Dad, came in 22nd out of 45 cars. Pretty good I thought for our first race.
It was a fun event and even Bubby got into it after he realized that his girlfriend from PreSchool, Ally, was there. Here they are watching the race. So cute! And here are some more race photos...
Peanut and a friend cheering on their cars!
Dad at the finish line...what a cute finish line judge!!And then there's to explain this...I was workingn in my office yesterday when I heard a funny noise so I turned around and there it was...nuff said...
Have a great week everyone!! I hope to get back to some creative stuff...